CDSN conducts joint Data Calls annually
with CDPHE and the Water Quality Control
Division to make it easy for you to submit your data
directly from AWQMS, without reformatting. No need to double submit data for submission to WQCD for Data Calls or Reg85. WQCD has determined that it is more efficient for WQCD to receive your data through CDSN.
CDSN submitted over 250,000 results for 35 data partners to CDPHE for the most recent data calls for Regulations 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38 from September 2020 to September 2022.
The CDPHE Environmental Data Unit which collects data for the Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) has partnered with the Colorado Data Sharing Network (CDSN) for over 11 consecutive years to facilitate water data submissions directly from CDSN. Organizations with water data that are already uploading water data meeting the WQCD guidelines do not have to individually reformat and resubmit their data to WQCD if they are responding to a CDPHE data call.
This joint effort between CDSN and CDPHE WQCD has been very efficient for the data providers and has increased data call responses.
More information about the division's data calls, triennial reviews and schedule for Regulations 31-38 can be found at the Water Quality Control Commission's webpage [here]. The latest schedule for data gathering and assement is found in Table 3 of the Division's Section 303(d) Listing Methodology 2022 Listing Cycle document [here]. The list of current CDPHE rulemaking proceedings is [here].
Due on September 1, 2024: Statewide data call due for CDPHE Regulation 31 - Basic Standards and Methodologies for Surface Water.
CDPHE implements September 1 deadlines to receive stream data for triennial basin reviews (classifications and numeric standards) and data used in CDPHE's 303(d) assessments.
Typically, CDPHE and CDSN will jointly post a data call notice describing the data of interest to CDPHE each June. CDSN will begin pulling the data to be submitted out of CDSN's database around August 15 and will provide each data provider with information showing that it was submitted on or before September 1 to WQCD on your behalf.
The division receives data submissions directly from the Colorado Data Sharing Network (CDSN) for willing data providers. If you utilize CDSN and would like the division to use your data, please begin working with CDSN before August.
Your data is crucial in informing CDPHE’s rulemaking processes. CDPHE data calls request recent surface water quality data parameters, including biological, physical, chemical, and other related data.
The division receives data submissions directly from the Colorado Data Sharing Network (CDSN) for willing data providers. If you utilize CDSN and would like your data used by the division to inform their rulemaking, please keep in mind the following:
Ideally, begin working with CDSN three months before the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division's submission deadline.
When the division requests data collected during a specified period, CDSN works with data partners that have relevant data in the CDSN data management system to identify and submit any data that the data owner wishes to provide to CDPHE.
Data has to be uploaded into CDSN two weeks before the CDPHE due date. CDSN uses this time to export the surface water quality data from CDSN and send it CDPHE.
CDSN will begin pulling the data to be submitted out of CDSN's database on August 15 and will provide each data provider with information showing that it was submitted on or before September 1 to CDPHE WQCD on your behalf.
If you use CDSN, you will not need to use the division’s data template(s). YOUR DATA WILL BE UPLOADED INTO CDSN USING THE CDSN UPLOAD TEMPLATE. CDSN’s WQX-compatible data management system can upload a copy of your data directly to the Water Quality Portal/WQX (if desired) with no extra effort.
Review the Submission Process (tab above) for important pre-notification details.
If desired, CDSN provides efficient and accurate data formatting and upload services for a reasonable fee, which supports the costs of hosting and maintaining the robust CDSN data management system and tool kit.
The annual CDPHE "data call" follows the CDPHE triennial rulemaking hearing schedule. Rotating the annual data requests between specific watershed basins allows the division to focus its resources in preparation for specific basin standards rulemaking hearings.
Colorado’s 303(d) listing methodology provides a framework for determining attainment or nonattainment of assigned numeric water quality standards and designated uses. The 303(d) listing methodology is reviewed and updated every two years in anticipation of the 303(d) List and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) List Development. The latest schedule for data gathering and assessment as recently revised by the Division from Table 3 in Section 303(d) Listing Methodology 2022 Listing Cycle document:
CDSN technical assistance can be reached via email at and at 970 . 258 . 0836. We look forward to working with you!
Steps to take for CDSN to submit your data contained in CDSN on your behalf for a WQCD Data Call: You MUST do ALL of the following--
Notify both CDSN AND the CDPHE Water Quality Control Division of your intent to participate in a specific data call through CDSN by emailing both entities at least 45 days before the deadline; and
In the CDSN notification, specify which data you want CDSN to submit to WQCD (date range, parameters/analytes, and the specific monitoring locations either by their ID or their HUC 8 codes).
Identify to CDSN in writing if your data has been prior submitted to WQCD for REG85 or any other regulation (31-38, etc).
Commit to having your data upload complete with all of the WQCD required minimum data elements, including Sample Fraction, into CDSN fifteen days prior to the submission deadline. (Contact CDSN if you need help uploading your data).
For any new data organization that wants to begin uploading data for the first time into CDSN you must contact CDSN no later than three months before the CDPHE submission deadline and request to join the CDSN with the understanding that your submission data must be uploaded by at least 15 days prior to the data submission deadline. CDSN will work first come-first served with NEW DATA ORGANIZATIONS to find a customized expedited pathway to get your data formatted and uploaded in time for the data submission deadline. For example, if the deadline is September 1, then data organizations start working with CDSN by June 1, notify the Water Quality Control Division of their intention to submit data via the CDSN by August 1, and commit to having their data uploaded by August 15, for a timely submittal before September 1.