CDSN conducts joint Data Calls annually
with CDPHE and the Water Quality Control
Division to make it easy for you to submit your data
directly from AWQMS, without reformatting. No need to double submit data for submission to WQCD for Data Calls or Reg85. WQCD has determined that it is more efficient for WQCD to receive your data through CDSN.
CDSN submitted over 11,300 results for 23 data partners representing 30 discharge permits to CDPHE for the most recent REG 85 data call.
Regulation 85, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) --
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) posts updated Regulation 85 information and important news about Regulation 85 Stakeholder meetings and the Nutrients Triennial Review [Here]. The division's Regulation 85 monitoring information page is [Here]. We recommend checking the division's web site regarding Regulation 85 regularly. The division's Regulation 85 contact information is 303-692-6412 or
WQCD is continuing to allow CDSN data partners uploading Regulation 85 data into CDSN to submit their Regulation 85 data directly through CDSN. You must notify CDSN that you wish us to package and submit your data by February 15 and have your data uploaded into CDSN by April 1, of each year. CDSN can submit your data with advance notice, whether you self-upload your data or have CDSN upload it for you.
All REG85 data must be uploaded into CDSN before April 1. Data to be submitted MUST have the additional Project ID of "WQCD_REG85" associated with the required results and must use the CDSN upload tempate (link below).
WQCD has provided important Regulation 85 guidance on detection limits and approved analytical methods. Please consult the guidance documents (linked below) if you have any questions about analytical methods, reporting limit definitions, or how detection limits are calculated. These documents also include the required reporting levels and method detection limits for reporting Regulation 85 results.
Important Note: At WQCD's determination, Regulation 85 data stored in the CDSN should NEVER be "Exported to WQX" (i.e. sent to the National Data Warehouse). WQCD is uploading their official final Reg85 dataset for each year into the National Data Warehouse themselves, under the Organization ID 21COL001. Resources for accessing the CDPHE official Regulation 85 data are provided at the bottom of this page.